Monday, August 9, 2010

this time of year

this time of year, two days before Ramadan, it hits me that Ramadan is only two days away. even though i know weeks before and am psychologically preparing for the fast and the lack of coffee and the lack of energy and the lack of cold water in this unbearable heat.
but this specific time of year, the night before last night before Ramadan, is very special. the refrigerators are stocked up the cook becomes a resident and my mom is making sure all of everyone's favorites is accounted for. I get told to clean up my various messes lying all over and i avoid making a fresh pot of coffee in the morning.
like every year, this time of year i try to help in the kitchen but end up a useless mess, only good for fetching various items but not touching the actual cooking.
this time of year i take a moment to think about what Ramadan is all about and vow to be good and do good by others and stop swearing and getting so angry.
This time of year every year i appreciate the calm before the storm and take a moment to enjoy the quiet before the chaotic, loud, overcrowded joy of family and tradition kicks in


  1. I like how, despite all the intense words like chaotic, loud, and overcrowded, you managed to bring a sense of serenity to this post. It's all about being together with those who matter, with those who we don't know, and most of all being true to one's self and its creator.

    Ramadan Karim

  2. well said and same to you Stranger :)
