Sunday, May 2, 2010

tomorrow unfinished

As i sit here, staring at a blank text box, wondering what the hell to write, the TV is on to some show and the presenter just asked, "what is going to happen tomorrow?" and that struck me as today's point of inspiration
So I'm going to write about tomorrow, literally and metaphorically
I really don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, and i don't wish i did either

but i do know that i am going to sit here and do nothing about tomorrow. bear with my freudian free association sort-of mood here.

literally, tomorrow i will have no alibi, i know that much is true. metaphorically, tomorrow, any tomorrow, brings unfinished business to its fair end. and i think that is what tomorrow is all about : unfinished business. I'm a firm believer in that nothing we do in this life goes unaccounted for; whatever we have done yesterday, or will do today, is accounted for tomorrow, if not sooner. a little while ago my mom was just talking to me about how your right comes to you, sooner or later. "comes to you" is key here. tomorrow brings us our right, whether or not we have pursued it. It's one of the benefits of the settlement each tomorrow brings. we let things go today, knowing they will be fixed or made right "tomorrow." It's like the whole world is big roll of canvas that just keeps unfolding. the more it unfolds the more you see and the better you understand the parts that have already been unfolded.

A word from the wise, clean up your business (or your canvas) today so you won't have to spend tomorrow cleaning up a mess.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't pursue your right, it will never come to you nor will anyone bring it. You alone are responsible for your own destiny. Although what can be claimed as "your right" is somehow debatable, it can be looked upon from a different point of view. Right comes from Fairness and Justice, and we as humans have both our individual and collective justice. in order to serve justice, we must abide by the right path written for us.

    This is similar to the Indian concepts of Karma and Dharma; Dharma being the right path, and Karma being the cause and effect that deviate from/try to reach the right path (the balance) again.

    Talking from a different angle (because it's the same point in all cases), the general case would be that God wouldn't give anyone to anyone unless they work for it. Working to achieve something is in itself the same challenge you must pass to earn or reach your objective.

    Exceptions happen though, with people getting everything without making any sort of effort. It may seem like an exception, but it's just another type of challenge.
