Monday, November 2, 2009

adrenaline high

So much energy, so little time!!
Do you ever get the feeling like you wanna do it ALL? Seriously, like you want to try anything and everything and it drives you crazy when you have fifteen minutes of free time?
I've been like that for the past few weeks
I want to DO stuff, i dread sitting around wasting time. Take today for example. The day started on the tennis court, so you know it's gotta be a good day, right?
Then i went to work. And on days like this, the smallest things excite me. I had bought a new coffee machine, you know the traditional ones that actually keep your coffee hot and have no fancy foam pipes and all that unnecessary crap. It made my day to hook it up and use it today. I even kept calling people in to take a sniff in my office coz the fresh coffee made it smell so damn good!
We had a snooooze-y meeting today, contract reviews, ewww. Except today i was so hyped it wasn't snoooze-y at all! i actually got pretty excited and passionate about rental costs and whatnot.
Then i played ball! As in baseball. Something i hadn't done since Mr. Yarndely's grade eight Phys Ed class. I sucked but it was awesome! The weather was pretty intense, setting a dramatic game atmosphere.
I should be tired, except I'm not! i have an economics midterm tomorrow, just finished gathering my notes and ready to hit the books.
Anyway, the point is, i LOVE DOING STUFF! It's like a snowball that gets rolling and you just can't stop it, and you don't want to stop it. We're young and smart and pretty and healthy and fortunate in every way. Why anyone would want to waste all the energy is beyond me.
I don't get people who mope around home all day. Nor people who mope around the office all day.
In a few years, I'm not going to be able to play, work, play, write, study, drive, etc all in one day. So i might as well love it now, and be grateful enough to acknowledge this adrenaline high, even if it's only on this blog.

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