Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the kid in me

You know how kids can seem so upset on minute, then they turn their attention elsewhere and the world is beautiful again? I'm that kid. I might be a full grown 24 year old working, semi self dependent adult, times like these i find myself a kid at heart.
I love traveling. It's one of the few things i want to do forever. I usually don't care where I'm going. I love planning, booking, packing. Okay i don't love packing, in fact it irritates me. But i always have a weird night before any trip. I get so tired of running around all day but when i finally get into bed, sleep is so far away it's not even worth the effort. My mind drifts to a million places.
First i think about where I'm going. That leads to little details of travel. i love an early airport ride. Cairo is still asleep in those quiet hours of morning. It's so calm it almost makes you not want to leave. I always check my alarm repeatedly to make sure i've got the correct time on the correct day. I love the hustle of an airport in contrast to the still sleepy city.
I love changing the time on my watch when i get somewhere. I love nice passport control officers. I love airports in general.
Godspeed to me then

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