Wednesday, March 17, 2010

it [should be] a man's world

at least the workplace is a man's world. after a day like today i can finally see why men find women so frustrating. women are great, females are awesome, girls are fabulous. but when it comes to work, some don't cut it.

some women demand gender equality, but do nothing to support their argument. i'll leave that for another post since i have too much to say on it. for now:

advice to women in the workplace

1. never cry at work. it makes you look ridiculous. in fact, it makes you just ridiculous
2. if you're gonna cry at work, then at least use waterproof mascara
3. stop repeating yourself. if you said it once to my face, chances are i heard you
4. never ever ever EVER wear flip flops to work, no matter how casual your job allows you to be. flip flops are for the beach and any ground that is not sand makes your feet dirty and disgusting
5. stop gossiping. just stop
6. stop repeating things you hear, for that is also gossiping
7. don't show up dressed like a slut on a night out and expect respect from office boys and security guards
8. never cry at work
9. conceal dark circles under your eyes, it makes you look sleep deprived
10. conceal pms. it's irritating having to work around your mood swings
11. it's okay to swear if you're angry. no goody-two-shoes is ever taken seriously
12. don't cry at work
13. stop flirting your way to the bosses' good graces. since, in this case, most of your bosses are female, it won't work
14. kissing up counts as flirting. stop that too
15. did i mention, never cry at work?


  1. equality? From what I see they go beyond that. Superiority is the target! 2 days ago I was in Carrefour waiting in the cashier line, and then comes a girl who wants a "women line" so she won't have to wait for so long (and she said exactly that like it's an undisputed right)

    totally irrelevant, no?

  2. it IS her undisputed right! isn't it?! haha im kidding she's an idiot

    being an anti-feminist female, i promise you an anti-feminist rant post soon

  3. ahahahahahahahahah i wish i can forward this to all the females at work
