Friday, April 9, 2010


i've been gone. i've missed me on this blog, even if you haven't.
things haven't been stable on the home front, lots of health issues to deal with, that's why i haven't been here. i don't want to go into details because it's been tough and i need a mental escape. So this is my mental escape.
coming back here i feel like i have so much to say, but trying to type it out yields a big blank.
here are a few thoughts and observations from the past couple of weeks. i hope you find them interesting, coz i don't

i want to go to nursing school
a hospital is no place for kids
egyptians abuse elevators. abuuuuse
faith in God is faith, religion comes after
the strong smell of menthol will clear up the worst of sinus blocks
wireless internet is taken for granted
good morning coffee is irreplaceable
a good doctor is my hero. forget superman

i know it's a crappy post, but it's a start till i get back on track


  1. welcome back! u've been missed :)

  2. Mona, it is not a crappy post..and you are always on track in everything you do. keep it up , you really know how to speak your mind in a very interesting way.

  3. craaaappy??!!!!!!! it is so true and may be its cuz i shared some of this experience with u i say so...YES, Egyptians need to learn Hopital-Visiting Guidelines :PPP
