Friday, April 23, 2010

Shauna-me up

It can be tough for someone like me to find an idol. I'm not being arrogant, not at all. But i tend to see faults in people first. Now some people have what i call desirable faults, it makes me want to be them.

Of course, most of my idols are fictional. Real people aren't perfect enough.

Currently at the top of my list of fictional idols is Shauna Roberts, played by the awesome Debi Mazar, is a star publicist on my favorite show, Entourage.

Shauna works with men all the time. She gets along with them and finds them easier to understand, which is my own assumption, just like me. She has one female assistant which she drives up the wall with abuse. Shauna isn't a she-male, she is very much a woman. She has a smart mouth and is so not scared to used it, even with the hottest of hot shots in the business.
Shauna is concise, she doesn't chat uncontrollably like women in the workplace. She has the awesomest east coast accent, "I'm your west coast motha," she tells her star client. She's got no problem telling big guys to go fuck themselves when they do something she doesn't like.

But none of the above is my favorite thing about Shauna.

My favorite thing about Shauna is that she throws her toughness and smart mouth around not because she's rich, powerful, well connected or has any such privilege, she is simply amazing at what she does. She does her job better than anyone, so no one's got anything on her. That's her liability. She is not dependent on anyone or anything other than her brains and skills. Even though she is rich, powerful and well connected, that's not what she "uses."

When I watch Shauna I want to BE Shauna. I don't want to act like her or do what she does, I want to be that person. She's full of faults. Her language is offensive every other sentence, she is sometimes treated like one of the guys rather than as a lady, she abuses the hell out of her assistant, but the end result is that she makes someone like me wishing they could be someone like her.