Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life before Facebook

A few days ago i deactivated my Facebook account, which afterwards i figured was really stupid because you can activate it by just logging in again. Still, i thought i need the rest from the distraction, and in Eminem's brilliant words, "I promise to focus solely on my responsibilities."
You see, i didn't initially set up my own account. My best friend thought i was missing out so took the liberty of creating an account for me years back and i just sort of grew to using it, overusing it, then avoiding it completely then deactivating it.
Anyway, point of the story is, in the past few days i've been quickly reminded of life as it was before Facebook.
Life was more personal before Facebook. You could pick and choose exactly what others found out about you and what they didn't. If someone were to contact you they'd have to make and actual call or even send a message. You forget about people you haven't seen in years when they don't pop up on your news feed. You are in contact with only those you really do want to be in contact with. No distant relatives surprise you with random bits of information they found out about you through Facebook.
Life before Facebook was status-less. There wasn't a constant urge to tell almost everyone i know exactly what is on my mind.
Life before Facebook was less gossip-y. Now when i get a message asking if i saw so-and-so's comment on something i can shorten the conversation by answering, no i did not see it (nor do i intend to). Life back then gave you chance to miss people. When you hear about people and see their pictures and comments pop up you never really realize how much you truly miss them.
If i were to compare it, i'd say life before Facebook was getting a handwritten letter from someone you met at camp versus an email blog. Facebook came and it was like an addiction. It was something i had to to everyday or at least every time opened up my screen. Any addiction is negative, it's bad, it's something to be avoided. But in this case, Facebook is, more often than not, harmless. I hope i can hold off this controversial addiction for just a bit longer, just a little more time to enjoy life as personal and private.

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