Saturday, July 3, 2010

birthday glitter

I only dedicate posts to very special people. and this post is dedicated to this week's birthday girl. She's not only special because we go way back and we've been friends since math homework was our greatest fear, but she's special just because she is.
She is my only artist friend. She lets talent flow, she is never doing nothing. But that's still not why she's special
She's special coz she's an amazing motivator, a breath of fresh air, and upbeat rhythm that only sees the good in everything. She's and inspiration and the way she talks to motivate you makes you wanna get off your ass and do something fascinating with your life.
I've titled the post glitter because that's what my friend is, she's glitter. She's real glitter, she makes everything glow and be more exciting. We can take a lame joke and turn it into the joyfest of the month. She laughs and spreads laughter.
She makes you see the best in yourself. She explicitly notices the good in you that you didn't even know was in you.
Before i turned into the blogger that i am, it was her that pushed me to do it. She told me i have great ideas and a way with words and i need to be doing something with it. She got on the phone and told me to blog. We started our blogs together and have been each other's loyal audience. She is probably the only person to believe that i will someday be published. She is one of those who believes in energies, not because its the fad now, but she really believes in them. and her own energy is very positive.
On her birthday i was her so many things, but most of all, i wish her karma. She spreads good and joy and should only get the same in return.

1 comment:

  1. i didnt get the chance to thank u becuz my internet access from the beach was only through my blackberry that doesnt allow me to comment on ur blog

    i am so flattered and so speechless so thankful for a friend like you
    thank you for seeing the good in me and for making me feel so special on my bday

    you are the glitter girl not me
    you bring out the glitter in me
    im not always like you see me but u inspire me to spread the joy becuz we click
    we get each other
    not many get my sense of humor and not many allow me to be my self like u do although we do not meet that often although we are not the closest of friends i have always felt the bond between us
    no one else could sing with me in the school hall ways
    it is so amazing to have anyone see u the way u saw me and describe it so well i wish i was all of that i vow that i am only like that when you are a round
    you are the so pure you reflect beauty
    unlike so many who cannot dare compliment
    damn it you dedicated a blog post to me
    who does that?
    thank u so much
    u r great
    and i love you
    u r the glitter girl not me
