Tuesday, August 25, 2009

... and I want to thank you

Thank you for giving me room to err then fixing my every mistake
Thank you for teaching me something with every interaction
Thank you for staying up late waiting for me, for making me feel you are worried about my well-being
Thank you for appreciating everything I do
Thank you for showing me how to treat people
Thank you for teaching me to respond to how people treat me
Thank you for making me strong, for showing me the failure in weakness
Thank you for showing me God
Thank you for explaining God
Thank you for explaining meanings in the Quran
Thank you for tolerating by childish outbursts
Thank you for listening to my every, "I'm not complaining but..." complaints
Thank you for buying me all the pretty things I want
Thank you for trusting me, and teaching me the weight of trust
Thank you for being an excellent role model
Thank you for worrying about my future
Thank you for standing up for me behind my back
Thank you for including me in all you do
Thank you for making me part of your team
Thank you for buying me all sorts of gadgets you think I'd make use of, without me asking, showing me I'm always on your mind

Thank you for preparing me to be ready to make it on my own if I need to
Thank you for your patience
Thank you for all that I am and for all that I ever will be
Thank you for making me the most grateful daughter there ever was

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