Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We all have those special friends that we've known since we were babies. We know those people pretty well. But the people we always know REALLY well, as in inside out, what they're thinking, how they're going to react, what they want to say but are holding back, are those who were our friends through or early adolescent years. Those we know when our personalities were at the peak of their formation. I am lucky to still be in contact with, and very good friends, with so many of these.
Today i was out with four of my 'school friends' who i normally get to see usually amid a crowd of so many others. Today it was intimate, it was true. It was us talking about anything and everything. It is so cool how you don't see people everyday but you never feel like it's been so long. This comes from the familiarity and comfort you feel towards such friends.
There were five of us, each leading a completely different lifestyle. Each fitting in her own surroundings, but not in the surroundings of others. And we're all exactly perfect how we are.
When you're with such people, you are pretty much carefree. I never think twice before i say something. I know i won't be judged, and i will not judge. I know nothing i say will be repeated unfavorably. I don't have to give introductions so i wouldn't be misunderstood.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. :)
    I was playing around with the comment posting thing, and deleted the previous comment...which was also a " :) "

  3. i wish i was there
    i wish i was one of them
    if only they told me
    if only they called me
    but they forgot me
    they abandoned me
    now i wonder if they are my friends at all
    friends will always forget about u
    but bering with them is so much fun

    just kidding next time
    let me know girl

  4. koosha i luv that i understand exactly what you mean by the ":)" that was the point of this post
    tous.. u were with us on the phone half the time hahaha! u were there in our hearts, we would never abandon you, you are us and we are you, blah blah blah blah.. we'll tell u next time haha!

  5. Hehe Tousa you made me laugh, and it's true, you were with us through technology....drum roll....the MOBILE PHONE! :)Definately next week
