Wednesday, February 3, 2010

allergic to winter

I'm allergic to winter, in all that it is and all that it brings

Im physically allergic to winter

I''m allergic to the wind. It makes my eyes hurt i never knew eyes could hurt but thats what wind does to me. It makes my eyes tear up for hours on end. It blows harshly into my long hair. It causes it to get into my eyes and that hurts and stings even more.
The cold gives me a headache. The cold makes my fingers hurt to the point that i can't hold my anything. It puts me in pain to find my keys and start my car. Dialing my phone is exhausting. Keeping the phone in my hand in order to dial is also exhausting. The skin on my hands look like an old lady's no matter how much lotion i use or how many different types and brands of moisturizers i switch between.
And when i get a break from it all i find that my eyes are still stinging and the headache is still there. My lips get chapped and i hate chapped lips because they're ugly. Lip balms and glosses become my permanent carry along and i lose them in different bags and pockets. Coming to work is just sad because it's so windy at work. The air is fresh but the area is cold. Colder than downtown at least.

Im emotionally allergic to winter

Cold nights drain me there's nothing i want to do except sleep and complain. It's sad to stay in every night but that's all i want to do. Then i complain so much that i get sick of my own complaining so i complain some more. i don't see my girls as much during these few cold weeks and that upsets me.

Im mentally allergic to winter

Im more stupid during winter. True. I don't use my brain half as much as i should or as i would normally do. all i can think of is how much i hate this weather and can only daydream of summer to pass the hours. I become so much less productive at work. It really does take me longer to answer certain questions. I find excuses to work at my desk, where there's heat and coffee and comfort even though my job is not a desk job.

I think i have it figured out. I hate winter not because it's bad but because of what it does to me. Im allergic to it so i'll never like it. And i don't have to. Im glad its short i hope it ends right now.

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