Saturday, February 13, 2010


Do you ever have people piss you off and push all your wrong buttons, then ask in a chirpy voice, "why are you so angry?" When that happens i physically boil on the inside and feel that im about to explode.
Inconsideration is when people keep shoving crap your way, then they shove some more, unaware or choosing to ignore the loads of crap they've already shoved before. It is when someone asks you to do a million things for them, and you dutifully accept, then ask why it bothers you to do number one million and one.
People make you hard then they wonder what is wrong with you, unaware of their contributions to the heart of stone you are quickly acquiring.
At one point in our lifespan we've got to pay our dues, because we are all due to something or someone in some form. We pay those dues with the dream that once they're paid, we can live not owing anyone anything. i long for that day more than any other day. Girls my age dream of their wedding day, the day they become mothers, et cetera. i dream of two things, when i become a real success at what i want to be, and when i am free of familial, social, and even emotional debt to anyone. I do not want to owe anyone anything.