Sunday, February 21, 2010

little lies

I never believe anyone who claims to never lie. We all lie, ALL of us. Lying doesn't have to be a bad thing. Some lies are so insignificant, i don't think it's fair labeling them lies in the first place. I told a little lie today and that got me thinking about these little lies. I realized i use them quite often.
When I'm talking to someone about something very boring and the subject changes and they ask what were we talking about, i say "i forgot" and quickly change the subject before they remember. Or when someone asks me to pick between two things that are close to identical, i vote and convincingly argue for one just to get on with it, even though i don't see the damn difference.
They're not really lies but they're not truths either, so that makes them lies. I don't believe in "white lies" a lie is a lie. And the only goodness that comes from telling a lie, no matter how little or white, is owning up to it.

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