Wednesday, October 7, 2009

roadside rhyming

i made a new friend today. on the roadside. on the damned suez road
here's what happened, in rhyme:

i was driving to work
and my mind was elsewhere like a jerk

listening to my music and looking straight ahead
what lay low on the ground could've left me dead

a water puddle i drove into
splashed water on the truck driver next to me
and soaked him and his passenger all the way through

i turned right to apologize
and while i did i failed to realize
that a stone lay ahead in the middle of the road
it tore my wheel apart and the air out of it flowed

i had to pull over to the side
all while i cursed and sighed
over my morning misfortune
and the interruption of my ride

a few seconds later another car joined me
a few meters behind she pulled over too
the stone had also damaged her tire to a bad degree

within a few minutes we'd become friends
we chatted away
about roadside mishap trends

shortly after her ride was fixed mine was replaced
and we had to part the friendship that was so randomly placed

as i drove away i went back to my life and she went to hers
but i wasn't upset at the incident
for a blown tire resulted in a pleasant encounter that so rarely occurs

there is no lesson here nor exciting ending
but I'm so subtly just recommending
that the next time you have roadside trouble
try to make something good come from it
even a short lived friendship might put you in a happy bubble

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