Sunday, September 20, 2009

day's happenings

End of Ramadan. I'm not too proud of myself at the end of this month. I was just tooo tired most of the time to perform religiously. it's not like i didnt do anything, i did of course, but maybe less than past years. I've always been a firm believer in relationships with God being one-on-One, in other words i don't have to prove myself to anyone, only to Him. And for that reason, i won't be telling you why or why not i approve of myself this Ramadan. Let's hope next year will be better.

And im like that: i know what's coming is better. That is faith.

I got a kick ass pair of shades today! love them, really love them. love them so much it's sick. Eurekaisms helped pick out. Eurekaisms, i realized today, is highly connected with salespeople all over. Today bringing her along got 20% off. i like taking Eurekaisms places; gets me great discounts, we got similar music taste (probably developed over so many car rides), her dad is gorgeous, we bitch freely, we can talk about tv for hours, and so on and so forth.

I had to take Basbousa to the vet; that's where she camps when im away. She screamed like hell. She hates it there but the doctor tells me it's only when im leaving that she acts up. Afterwards she's fine supposedly. The vet had so many other pets staying over while the owners are away for Eid. Mostly dogs though and i hate the dogs he has. One of them in particular. We didn't get along well in the 10 mins i was sitting on the steps right next to his cage. The idiot kept staring at me and barking in deafening monotony. at one point i actually looked at him and said, "I hate you, i fuckin hate you." I think that upset him even more. I think i hated him so much because he reminded me of my best friend's dog who i used to hate too (not anymore, chill if you're reading this).

It's obvious i don't have much to say tonight so i'll put you out of your misery. Im going to Gouna tomorrow insha2Allah. Maybe i'll be more interesting afterwards.

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