Thursday, September 17, 2009

the smallest of miracles

last night could've been Lailet el Qadr, im pretty sure it was.

Here's what happened:

I came home from work and couldn't find my cat, Basbousa. She's a little energetic messer around so i wasn't worried. She does this thing where she disappears for hours then sneakily appears by my side. Anyway i didnt give it much thought in confidence that she would turn up. I went to sleep and woke up right before fitar. She still hadn't turned up.

She likes to do this thing where she climbs up our building stairs at meows at random doors. So by now she's become pretty popular in the building and people just bring her back or call us when she's at their door. She wasn't at anyone's door this time though.

My mom and i started theorizing. She was sick. We thought she probably just strayed off and died somewhere. That was when i started crying. i seriously cried because i wanted my cat i wanted to 'tuck her in' like i do every night and i didnt have her and i didn't know where she was. I was upset for letting myself become emotionally attached to a pet and that pet wasn't there anymore.

I was praying then. i prayed for everything and i talked to God. In my prayers i told Him that this was the smallest of requests, and there are other things i should be praying for, but i wanted my cat back.

You see, Basbousa isn't just my pet. I used to hate people that humanize their pets. But Basbousa was my friend. I had her when she was still a little newborn and i watched and helped her grow. Babsousa came to me at a very emotional time in my life and i learned to cling on to her because she was true. She loved me and she showed her love day after day. She was my escape. Friends call me crazy sometimes but i talk to her and i confide in her. It's so easy to love something that you know will not judge and will just love you back and will expect and demand nothing more than food, shelter, and some petting.

I prayed to find her
I prayed for everything else too. I kept praying and then i fell asleep. i was awoken half an hour later with my mom calling me telling me to check a storage closet in a corner of her balcony. I got up went to check and Basbousa was there.

Some of you might think of this as a lousy bedtime story, others as just a lousy story. but to me it's so much more. to me this is about God and how beautiful He is.

He answers the smallest of our prayers. He makes sure all of our requests how small or major are accounted for. He comforts us by leading us to what we find comfort in. He is there for us and we can always, always, always count on Him. And that is a miracle all in itself: He comes through every time.

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